Thursday, February 5, 2015


The Byzantine era started in 330-1453 C.E.  The Byzantine Empire was the longest political entity in European History 324-1453. They were associated with the Easter culture and focused on secular leadership and religion. They were influenced by the Greeks and Orient. The current day name is Istanbul(originally Constantinople).  The emperor's name during 527 C.E. was Emperor Justinian.  Christian liturgy changed from procession of clergy down the nave to the celebration of mass. Basillica plan changed to a more centralized plan.  Byzantine architecture included multiple domes, impost blocks on columns, vaults, interiors divided into bays, separation of church interiors into church. Romanesque, Islamic and Gothic architecture all based on Byzantine design. Buildings that remain are churches or temples. Flooring was tiled in marble- often geometric designs. Floor tiles more durable than wall tiles. Surfaces on walls or ceilings- ornamented included marble, frescos, mosaics, and alabaster.

Hagia Sophia (Church of the Holy Wisdom)
4th church on the site, the architects were Anthemius of Tralles and Isidore of Miletus geometricians. Th east meets the west and it has a creatural plan with a circle of windows. Massive dome gives sense of importance to exterior. Hollow tile was used for the dome- collapsed 2-3 times during construction. Pendentive method was used it is supporting a dome, on a square base.

Pendentive construction :"pendentive is a constructive device permitting the placing of a circular dome over a square room or an elliptical dome over a rectangular room", "The pendentives, which are triangular segments of a sphere, taper to points at the bottom and spread at the top to establish the continuous circular or elliptical base needed for the dome"

This was a piece of Byzantine artwork from this era. It was made out of Mosaic tile , and was called Mosaic of the Empress Theodora, it is in the church of Vitale, Italy. 

Current Applications

This is a modern day mosque in Istanbul which demonstrates Pendentive construction. 

This is another example showing the Pendentive construction on a home in New Mexico. 

Here is a youtube clip displaying Byzantine artwork:

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