Saturday, February 21, 2015


Gothic: 1140-1500
·       Paris was the center of the Gothic world and churches were the center of city life. New revivals formed between city, states, and nations. There was a lot of competition in the conduction of cathedrals. Knighthood, chivalry, and artisan guilds were a part of this era. The black plague killed 75 million people, which was nearly 1/3 of the population. Within the design there was a lot of religious expression. The wealth and power was in the church so large numbers were required so the worship spaces had to be very large. The architecture in this era was the bridge to romanesque to renaissance. The gothic era was then birthed from the romanesque era. This is when the introduction came about of the pointed arch, ribbed vault, and the flying buttress. 

This is Notre Dame at Chartes,1145-1220. This is where the introduction of the flying buttress came along.

This is the Notre Dame at Paris, 1163-1345. I love the architecture of this building. 

One of my favorite buildings of this time period was Wells Cathedral. The structure of the exterior of the building is magnificent and displays examples really well of the type of design in this era. 

This is a current application I found that displays the different design motifs incorporated within gothic design.  The use of the black iron on the head and foot board thoroughly shows the style from this period. 

i also found this current application useful to this era considering that the style of the this furniture resembles design mortif of the Gothic era. 

Listed below is a youtube link to examples of gothic architecture :

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